Active Member must:
1. Reside in Tennessee or include outdoor-related activities, such as hunting and fishing, in Tennessee in work he/she produces for pay.
2. Be compensated for
his/her work.
3. Work in one or more
of the following media categories: Newspaper, magazine, book, newsletter, news
release (excluding product publicity), radio, television, photography,
electronic, audiocassette, videocassette, movie.
4. Have as the focus of
his/her work outdoor recreation (defined as any recreational activity or pursuit
which is dependent upon natural resources and where enjoyment or preservation of
same is the primary motivation for the activity or pursuit), travel related to
outdoor recreation, or environmental or conservation issues. (Outdoor
games such as tennis, golf, etc., do not fall under this definition for the
purpose of this organization.)
5. Upon applying for
TOWA membership, submit copies of his/her work to a Screening Committee
appointed by the president if requested to do so.
6. Meet the minimum
requirements in one of the following Professional Standards categories or
in a combination of those categories.
Associate Members
persons (such as entry-level communicators and college students) who subscribe
to the principles of this corporation but who are not eligible for active
membership. An
associate member does not have voting privileges, cannot hold office and cannot
enter Excellence in Craft contests. The associate member can be appointed to
All Membership
regardless of
category, must be sponsored by an active, active-retired or honored lifetime
member of TOWA.
Must write or compile text to be disseminated to the public.
1. Newspaper –
A minimum of 12
published pieces per 12-month period as a columnist, staff writer, editor,
feature writer or free-lance writer.
2. Magazine – A minimum of three published pieces per 12-month period as a full-time employee, editor, staff member or free-lance writer
3. Public Information –
contingent upon the needs or requirements of the federal or state agency or
nonprofit organization that employs the applicant.
4. Newsletter Editor – Minimum of six published issues per 12-month period
5. Book –
Minimum of one book
per 12-month period as an author or editor.
6. Electronic Publishing
of six published pieces per 12-month period.
Must take
photographs to be disseminated to the public.
1. Still Photographer –
Minimum of
15 published photographs per 12-month period.
2. Motion Picture –
Minimum of one feature (30 or more minutes in length) per 24-month period or two
shorts per 12-month period.
3. Videocassette –
Minimum of one feature (30 or more minutes in length) per 12-month period.
Must write, produce, direct and/or speak information to be disseminated through
the airwaves or which is available to the public via satellite downlink or cable
1. Radio –
Minimum of 12
broadcasts per 12-month period.
2. Television –
Minimum of 12 broadcasts per 12-month period.
Must draw, sketch or paint original artwork or cartoons and/or illustrate maps
and/or technical material relevant to outdoor recreation to be disseminated
through any media category or by direct sale to the public by retail or auction.
1. Artist –
Minimum of three
works exhibited or sold per 12-month period.
2. Cartoonist –
Minimum of three published cartoons per 12-month period.
3. Illustrator –
Minimum of three published illustrations per 12-month period.