Annual Dues:

Active - $30 (one year), $55 (two years) and $80 (three years)

Associate -- $30 (one year)


                Name _____________________ _______________________________________________________



                Home Address, including ZIP Code ___________________________________________________



                Telephone _______________________    E-Mail Address _________________________________



                Business Address, including ZIP Code ________________________________________________



                Telephone _______________________    E-Mail Address ________________________________



 Please review the Membership Qualifications and Professional Standards section  and select

 one or more of the following membership categories that would make you eligible for membership:


                ___ Newspaper  ___ Radio   ___Television   ___ Magazine


                ___ Photography   ___Newsletter   ___News Release  ___Movie  


                ___ Book    ___Electronic    ___Audiocassette   ___Videocassette


                In the past 12 months I have sold material to ­­__________________________________________




Member of SEOPA? _______     OWAA? _______   Other organizations? __________________



Applicant’s Signature _____________________________________________


Send your completed application and payment for dues to:


                Max Moss

                TOWA Secretary/Treasurer

                105 Creekview Drive,

                Pleasant View, TN 37146



I attest by my signature that the above information is true and that no information bearing upon my application or classification has been withheld.




Date Received ________________        Approved By ________________         Date Approved ________________